After Your Child’s Hospital Stay

Whether your child has been in the hospital for one night or many, your family is likely relieved to be heading home. You may be wondering what comes next, and have questions about caring for your child on your own.

“When my son was ready to be discharged, I took it one step at a time. And I smiled because finally we were going home.”

Jennifer, Senior Family Advisor and Mother of Nate, Age 3

Before your child goes home, we encourage you to write down a list of questions for the doctor, nurse, and care team. Ask for detailed instructions on how to care for your child’s everyday needsand what to do if his or her condition changes.

Doctor with Family at Hospital

Before your child goes home from the hospital, our team provides detailed instructions on caring for your child.

Going-Home Checklist

As you prepare to go home, your child’s nurse can help make sure you have everything you need. Some items to consider include the following:

  • a list of your child’s medications, including the last medicines given while in the hospital and prescriptions for refills
  • information on home nursing care, if necessary
  • special foods or dietary items your child might need
  • medical equipment, including assistive devices such as walkers
  • an early intervention appointment for babies and toddlers
  • a car seat or booster seat
  • a discharge summary for you and for your pediatrician
  • a copy of the after-visit summary (AVS), which includes details on your child’s medications, follow-up plan, and physician contact information
  • copies of X-rays, CT scans, and other tests
  • a doctor’s letter for return to school or work
  • all of your personal items, including books, comfort items, and electronics and chargers

We encourage you to sign up for our patient portal, , which allows you to view your child’s medical history and laboratory tests, as well as request prescription refills.

Leaving the Hospital

We want you to feel confident that your child is ready to leave the hospital. If you are concerned or have questions, please talk with your care team. If you believe your child is being sent home too soon, please talk with Patient Relations about the next steps you can take.

Our care managers are available to help make sure your child has everything he or she needs to safely go home, including any in-home services, such as medical equipment or in-home nursing care. The care manager also works with our insurance and billing experts to confirm that your insurance provider has everything necessary to process your claim.